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Stephen Hewett
FROM: www.nkimartialarts.com End of the Black Belt test last night. The Navy Seals would be proud
June 13, 2017
Stephen Hewett
FROM:www.nkimartialarts.com Congratulations to all our competitors. We are all very proud of you!
May 7, 2017
Stephen Hewett
FROM:www.nkimartialarts.com/ We are discussing the importance of using martial arts to stretch our level of patience. Traffic jams is one of the areas it can help us survive.
May 6, 2017
Stephen Hewett
This month we are learning the importance of focus. Some tips are swapping caffeine for exercise. Have you thought of karate for exercise? No other exercise works cardio and toning the whole body quite like martial arts. So as you get in better shape you are also improving your confidence in handling aggressive, intimidating or dangerous people.
March 20, 2017