Our children's Program is for ages 6-12. We have been guiding children in the tough world they are growing up in since 1994. Our children come under mental and emotional attack almost daily. This can rob them of their confidence, security, emotional and mental health and their happiness. That is why superheroes are so popular. They give children a role model that they emulate which gives them a sense of inner strength. At the National Karate Institute we develop your children to be real life superheroes by teaching them how to defend from a physical attack. But much more common is the mental and emotional attacks. We give your child the confidence not to become bothered by these common tactics. Some students might think "I can't do that!" TRUE. But rather, thinking I can't do that TODAY! makes a world of difference. We teach that consistent applied effort reaps rewards in the long run. You can't be with your child 24/7. There will always be others who will make in fun of their clothes, their ears, the way they walk and the way they run. Verbal threats are common everyday events and they are hard to stop and detect. They often go unnoticed by teachers because they leave no visible marks and they are quick and cut like a sword. We teach your children emotional self defense to prevent these verbal bullies from stealing your child's happiness or intimidating them to join them down the wrong road they are traveling. Many children from the best of families have fallen into addictions or engaged in delinquent behavior to stop the intimidation and be accepted and liked. Your children's peers will become more and more important to their self identity. They need to be armed with tools to prevent them from following their peers down the wrong path that ends in despair. MARTIAL ARTS TRAINING GIVES THEM THE INNER STRENGTH TO RESIST THE EMOTIONAL WAR GOING ON IN TODAY'S WORLD. Then there is always the possibility of physical assault, molestation or child abduction that is every parents worst nightmare. We teach your children according to their age and maturity level how to get away and get home safe.